(English after Japanese)

G-REX JapaN株式会社(以下、「当社」といいます)は、お客様の個人情報を適切に保護し、適正に取り扱うことを重要な責務と認識しております。本ポリシーでは、当社が収集する個人情報、利用目的、管理方法、およびお客様の権利についてご説明いたします。

1. 個人情報の定義


2. 個人情報の収集方法

• お問い合わせや資料請求をいただいた際
• 商品・サービスのご注文時
• キャンペーンやアンケートへのご参加時
• その他、適法かつ公正な手段による場合

3. 個人情報の利用目的

• 商品やサービスの提供および関連するアフターサービスの実施
• お問い合わせへの対応
• 新商品やサービス、キャンペーンのご案内
• 法律や規制に基づく義務の履行
• その他、事前にお客様に明示し同意をいただいた目的

4. 個人情報の第三者提供

• 法令に基づく場合
• お客様の同意をいただいた場合
• 業務委託先に対して、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内で提供する場合(この場合、当該委託先に対して適切な管理を行います)

5. 個人情報の管理


6. お客様の権利

• 内容の確認および訂正、追加、削除の請求
• 利用停止または第三者提供の停止の請求
• 苦情や相談への対応


7. プライバシーポリシーの変更


8. お問い合わせ先


G-REX JapaN株式会社
住所: 〒290-0056 千葉県市原市五井2437-2 ホマレヤビル3階
電話番号: 0436-63-3015


G-REX JapaN Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes the importance of appropriately protecting and handling our customers’ personal information. This policy explains the personal information we collect, its purpose of use, management methods, and your rights.

1. Definition of Personal Information

Personal information refers to information that can identify a specific individual, such as name, address, phone number, email address, and other details. It also includes information that, when combined with other data, can easily identify a specific individual.

2. Methods of Collecting Personal Information

The Company may collect personal information in the following cases:
• When inquiries or requests for materials are made
• When products or services are ordered
• When participating in campaigns or surveys
• Other situations where the information is obtained through lawful and fair means

3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The personal information we collect will be used for the following purposes:
• To provide products and services and carry out related after-sales services
• To respond to inquiries
• To notify customers of new products, services, and campaigns
• To fulfill legal and regulatory obligations
• Other purposes explicitly stated and consented to by the customer in advance

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the customer, except in the following cases:
• When required by law
• When consent has been obtained from the customer
• When information is provided to contractors within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use (In such cases, appropriate management measures will be taken with the contractors.)

5. Management of Personal Information

The Company will strive to keep customers’ personal information accurate and up-to-date while taking appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, or leakage.

6. Customer Rights

Customers have the following rights regarding their personal information:
• To request confirmation, correction, addition, or deletion of the information
• To request the suspension of use or provision to third parties
• To file complaints or seek consultation

If you wish to make any of these requests, please contact us at the “Contact Information” provided below.

7. Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Company may revise and update this policy as necessary in response to changes in laws, regulations, or business operations. The latest policy will be published on the Company’s website.

8. Contact Information

For inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the following:

G-REX JapaN Co., Ltd.
Address: 3rd Floor, Homareya Building, 2437-2 Goi, Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, 290-0056, Japan
Phone Number: +81-436-63-3015